La traviata (The Fallen Woman) is one of those operas that has retained a firm position in current repertoire, never failing in its effect. The prelude to the first act uses the tender and melancholy music that will later precede Violetta's death, as well as her plea to him to love her. The first of these returns in the prelude to the third act. At Violetta's there is a lively drinking-song or Brindisi, Libiamo (Let us drink), led by Alfredo, and as the guests go into the next room, he declares his love for her in Un dì felice (One happy day). Her response to his declarations is heard in her later reflective Ah, fors'è lui (Ah perhaps it is he my heart desires). In the second act Alfredo considers the happiness that life with Violetta has brought him in De'miei bollenti spiriti (Fervent my dream of ecstasy). Germont's attempts to remind his son of their home, Di Provenza il mar, il suol (The sea, the land of Provence) have provided baritones with a moving aria, and there is later contrast in the masquerading gypsy and Spanish dances at the house of Flora Bervoix. There is, of course, much else in a work, which, although set in 1700, might equally be supposed to have a contemporary setting and relevance in the Paris of the 1850s, an element of realism less apparent in historical dramas of kings and princes.